Welke stoffen zitten in esomeprazol?

Welke stoffen zitten in esomeprazol?

Over dit geneesmiddel

Farmaceutische vorm: Maagsapresistente tablet
Toedieningsweg: Oraal gebruik

Wat is het verschil tussen esomeprazol en Nexium?

Nexium bevat als werkzaam geneesmiddel esomeprazol, dit is de gezuiverde vorm van omeprazol dat onder de naam Losec al langer in Nederland in de handel is. Vanwege deze gezuiverde vorm claimt de fabrikant dat dit middel iets effectiever is en minder bijwerkingen zou geven.

What class of drug is Dexilant?

to treat symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) Dexilant contains the drug dexlansoprazole, which belongs to a class of drugs called proton pump inhibitors. Medications within a class of drugs work the same way in your body. Dexilant comes as a capsule.

Can Dexilant be taken with other medications or foods?

Drugs that depend on stomach acid for absorption include: Talk with your doctor if you’re currently taking a drug that depends on stomach acid for absorption or if you start taking one while using Dexilant. Your doctor may adjust your dosage of Dexilant to make sure it’s safe to take with your other medications.

What are the risks of Dexilant?

Fractures aren’t as likely if you take Dexilant for a short period of time. In a 1-year clinical study, fractures happened in less than 2% of people taking Dexilant. But if you take Dexilant for longer than 1 year, or if you take more than one dose per day, you are more likely to have a bone fracture.

How old do you have to be to take Dexilant?

The safety and effectiveness of Dexilant have been established in pediatric patients 12 years to 17 years of age for the healing of all grades of EE, the maintenance of healed EE and relief of heartburn, and treatment of heartburn associated with symptomatic non-erosive GERD.