Hoeveel alcohol in sterillium?

Hoeveel alcohol in sterillium?

Sterillium® med: Samenstelling: bevat 100 g oplossing: werkzame stof: ethanol 99 % 85,0 g. Overige bestanddelen: butaan-2-on, propaan-1-ol, tetradecaan-1-ol, glycerol 85 %, gezuiverd water. Toepassingsgebieden: voor hygiënische en chirurgische handdesinfectie.

Wat is sterillium Med?

Sterillium Med is een handalcohol op basis van ethanol als werkzaam bestanddeel. Deze handdesinfectans is zonder geur- en kleurstoffen en is daarnaast parfumvrij. Hierdoor is Sterillium Med bijzonder geschikt voor mensen met een gevoelige huid, ook bij langdurig gebruik.

Is Sterillium better than alcohol based handrubs?

Sterillium contains the better form of alcohol (Propanol) at a very effective concentration (75%) in liquid form that soak and penetrate the skin creases and nail folds unlike the “gel form” that glides over and coats the skin. Which one is better – alcohol based handrubs (Sterillium) or Povidone-Iodine based Surgical Hand Disinfection? Yes.

What is the difference between Sterillium and other alcohols?

Sterillium cannot be compared with regular alcohols, sanitizers and gels because these other products have inferior quality. • What is the difference of Sterillium to other regular alchols, sanitizers and gels?

What is Sterillium and how does it work?

Sterillium contains the better form of alcohol (Propanol) at a very effective concentration (75%) in liquid form that soak and penetrate the skin creases and nail folds unlike the “gel form” that glides over and coats the skin. • Can Sterillium be used outside the hospital?

Is Sterillium disinfectant safe to use?

And all delivering reliable efficacy, excellent skin tolerability and maximum safety. Sterillium® is the classic among the alcohol-based disinfectants for hygienic and surgical hand disinfection. For 50 years, it has proven its worth in practice and undergone comprehensive scientific reviews.