Welke Sesam producten zijn besmet?

Welke Sesam producten zijn besmet?

Zo kun je bijvoorbeeld een partij sesamzaad die is besmet met salmonella ‘schoon’ maken door er ethyleenoxide over te spuiten. Vanwege de hoge gezondheidsrisico’s wil je dat alleen niet aantreffen in je sesambrood, toast, tahin of sesambagel.

Welke producten met sesamzaad worden uit de schappen gehaald?

Sesam wordt in honderden producten verwerkt, zoals in brood en crackers, bepaalde salades en oosterse producten. Deze worden uit de schappen gehaald en waar mogelijk vervangen door producten zonder sesam of producten die zijn getest op ethyleenoxide.

Welke producten bevatten sesamzaad?

Sesam zit behalve in diverse Oosterse gerechten, olie of allerlei specerijenmixen bijvoorbeeld ook in koekjes, brood, crackers, bladerdeeghapjes, cosmetica en in sommige medicijnen. Belangrijk om te weten is dat producten of gerechten als Tahini (sesampasta), Gomasio en Halva altijd op basis van sesam zijn.

What is an ethylene oxide molecule?

A model of the ethylene oxide molecule. What is ethylene oxide? At room temperature, ethylene oxide is a flammable colorless gas with a sweet odor. It is used primarily to produce other chemicals, including antifreeze. In smaller amounts, ethylene oxide is used as a pesticide and a sterilizing agent.

What is ethylene oxide and why is it dangerous?

Ethylene Oxide is a Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) with the chemical formula of C 2 H 4 O. Ethylene Oxide is colorless gas that has a slightly sweet odor; this odor is particularly noticeable when concentration in the air meets or exceeds 500ppm. This gas is highly flammable and carries a plethora of health risks.

What is ethylene oxide disinfectant?

As a toxic gas that leaves no residue on items it contacts, ethylene oxide is a surface disinfectant that is widely used in hospitals and the medical equipment industry to replace steam in the sterilization of heat-sensitive tools and equipment, such as disposable plastic syringes.

What is the association between ethylene oxide and cancer?

Any potential association between ethylene oxide and cancer is linked only to chronic exposure. There is minimal cancer risk for the general population because most people are not exposed to significant quantities of ethylene oxide.