Welke kanker is Hormoongevoelig?

Welke kanker is Hormoongevoelig?

Als in de borst of de prostaat kanker ontstaat, zijn de kankercellen voor hun groei vaak (deels) afhankelijk van de aanwezigheid van die geslachtshormonen. Als dat zo is, wordt de tumor ‘hormoongevoelig’ genoemd.

Is borstkanker altijd Hormoongevoelig?

Bij borstkanker gaat het om de vrouwelijke geslachtshormonen oestrogeen en progesteron. Groeit meer dan 10% van de borstkankercellen door oestrogeen of progesteron? Dan is de tumor hormoongevoelig. Dit is zo bij ongeveer driekwart van de borsttumoren.

What is tubulolobular carcinoma breast cancer?

A tubulolobular carcinoma (TLC) of the breast is considered a subtype of breast cancer that features of both invasive lobular carcinoma and tubular carcinoma of the breast. It therefore exhibits features of both ductal and lobular differentiation.

What is the difference between lobular and tubular carcinoma?

Tubular carcinoma is also known as tubular breast cancer and, when present with lobular carcinoma, tubulolobular carcinoma (TLC). Tubular carcinomas usually do not produce symptoms. Because of their size—typically less than 1 centimeter (cm) in diameter, or about the size of a pencil eraser)—they may not be felt during a breast self-exam.

What is tubular ductal carcinoma?

It is, in fact, a subtype of invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC), a cancer that starts inside a milk duct and expands into other parts of the breast. Tubular carcinomas take their name from their appearance; the cancer cells resemble small tubes when viewed under a microscope. These tumors are small and grow very slowly.

What is the prognosis for tubular carcinoma?

These tumors are small and grow very slowly. Tubular carcinomas account for 1% to 5% of all breast cancer diagnoses and the prognosis is often excellent. 1  Tubular carcinoma is also known as tubular breast cancer and, when present with lobular carcinoma, tubulolobular carcinoma (TLC). Tubular carcinomas usually do not produce symptoms.