Welk jaar Moonraker?
Moonraker (1979) Een Boeing 747 met aan boord een spaceshuttle stort neer in de Atlantische Oceaan.
Wie heeft de meeste 007 gespeeld?
De man die het langst en het vaakst James Bond heeft vertolkt, is Roger Moore (Londen, 1927). In maar liefst zeven films verscheen Roger Moore die over een periode van in totaal 12 jaar gemaakt werden.
Wie heeft de meeste Bond films gespeeld?
Hieronder een snelle poll met de zes acteurs die de rol hebben gespeeld in de officiële Bond-reeks. Dit zijn Sean Connery, George Lazenby (een film), Roger Moore (zeven films), Timothy Dalton (twee films), Pierce Brosnan (vier films) en Craig, te zien in vijf films.
Which actor was James Bond in the film Moonraker?
The Moonraker chapter charts the box office hit which arrived in theaters in 1979. Roger Moore was playing Bond at the time and this was his fourth adventure in the title role.
What are all the James Bond films?
The James Bond film series is a British series of spy films based on the fictional character of MI6 agent James Bond, “007”, who originally appeared in a series of books by Ian Fleming.It is one of the longest continually running film series in history, having been in ongoing production from 1962 to the present (with a six-year hiatus between 1989 and 1995).
Which James Bond film starred Pierce Brosnan?
Watch the trailer for GoldenEye starring Pierce Brosnan as Ian Fleming’s 007: Former agent oo6, Alec Trevelyan, plans to use the Russian’s satellite weapon system ‘GoldenEye’ to steal millions via the London Banks’ computer systems in the final seconds prior to the satellite’s electromagnetic pulse destroys all the banks’ records.
Which James Bond star is the ultimate 007?… Connery is rolling over in his grave with what they have done to Bond in recent movies. Since we can’t have him as 007 anymore, Jason Isaacs would make a great villain for the next movie, he definitely has the style and elegance to pull it off.