Wat zit er in oogdruppels?
Oogdruppels zijn druppels met een zoutoplossing die oculair kunnen worden toegediend. Afhankelijk van de te behandelen aandoening kunnen oogdruppels onder meer corticosteroïden, antibiotica, antihistaminica, antimycotica of timolol bevatten.
Kun je misselijk worden van oogdruppels?
Neem meteen contact op met een arts of de spoedeisende hulp als u last krijgt van een te hoge oogboldruk. Dat kunt u merken aan: wazig zien, minder zien, een rood of opgezwollen oog, hevige pijn aan het oog of aan het gezicht of misselijkheid en braken.
What is tetrahydrozoline poisoning?
Tetryzoline; Murine; Visine Tetrahydrozoline is a form of a medicine called imidazoline, which is found in over-the-counter eye drops and nasal sprays. Tetrahydrozoline poisoning occurs when someone accidentally or intentionally swallows this product. This article is for information only.
What is tetrahydrozoline ophthalmic used for?
Tetrahydrozoline is a vasoconstrictor. It works by narrowing swollen blood vessels in the eyes to reduce eye redness. Tetrahydrozoline ophthalmic (for the eyes) is for temporary relief of minor eye redness, swelling, or draining caused by minor irritants. Tetrahydrozoline ophthalmic may also be used…
What happens if you have an allergic reaction to tetrahydrozoline ophthalmic?
Get emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat. Stop using tetrahydrozoline ophthalmic and call your doctor at once if you have: ongoing or worsening eye redness;
How much tetrahydrozoline can a child take?
In young children, serious adverse events can occur from ingesting only a small amount (1 to 2 mL, or several drops) of tetrahydrozoline. Many of these types of OTC products do not have child-resistant closures, so they should be stored out of the reach of children.