Wat kosten kronen in Turkije?

Wat kosten kronen in Turkije?

Tandarts kosten in Nederland en in Turkije

Soort behandeling Benelux* Turkije*
Kroon metaal/porselein per stuk € 615 € 180
Kroon 100% zirkonium&porselein, per stuk € 980 € 280
100% Porselein facing (beperkt toepasbaar) € 450 € 220
Vulling witcomposiet (viervlaksvulling) € 110 € 80

Wat kost een kroon zirkonium?


10100 Zirkonium opgebakken kroon 1 € 267,-
10100 Zirkonium opgebakken brugdeel 1 € 294,-
10101 IOS Zirkonium opgebakken kroon 1 € 297,-
10101 IOS Zirkonium opgebakken brug 1 € 324,-

Which is better zirconia or porcelain veneers?

As far as durability, the zirconia veneers are far stronger and more durable compared to porcelain. As far as aesthetic properties, feldspathic porcelain looks better than zirconia. It is an expert dentist’s decision to choose which veneer is best for the patient’s needs. Zirconia Veneers Pros and Cons

What is the difference between Emax and zirconia veneers?

Emax veneers are translucent in appearance- a quality which gives them the ability to provide a more natural appearance to your teeth. Zirconia veneers are a type of ceramic material known as zirconia oxide. They are used to make full or partial crowns for restoring a damaged tooth.

What are the different types of dental veneers?

The two common types of dental veneers to choose from are Emax Veneers and Zirconia Veneers. The popular choices for dental veneers are Zirconia and Emax. Each of these veneers has its own unique features, appearance, and benefits.

How long do zirconia veneers last?

Zirconia veneers are highly durable and natural-looking. They are unlikely to crack or chip, and if placed by an experienced dentist, can last for decades. Looking for a dentist? Our customer support will help you find the right dentist near you. Call us for free 24/7! What is zirconia?