Wat is WRC Boeideel?
Western Red Cedar, ook wel WRC genoemd, is een zachte houtsoort met de eigenschappen van hardhout. Red Cedar is erg populair en wordt veel gebruikt als gevelbekleding, schutting, boeideel of andere exclusieve afwerking.
Wat is WRC hout?
Western Red Cedar is het neusje van de zalm als het gaat om houten gevelbekleding. Red Cedar hout, ook wel geschreven als Red Ceder of WRC, komt uit Canada. Deze Noord-Amerikaanse naaldhoutsoort staat bekend als lichtgewicht en is daarom geschikt voor montage aan de woning. Ook is Red Cedar hout erg duurzaam.
What is the best grade of red cedar wood?
Clear Vertical Grain Western Red Cedar (WRC) Lumber. According to the Western Red Cedar Lumber Association (WRCLA), Clear Vertical Grain or CVG grade lumber is the highest quality grade available. Sawn vertical grain (edge grain). Pieces are free from growth characteristics that affect appearance or performance.
What is the thickness of western red cedar T&G?
[…] clear grades, Western Red Cedar T&G it is commonly supplied in thicknesses of 7/16” or 1” in either 4 or […] Loading… Reply Trending Now – Cedar Tongue and Groove Interior Paneling « Cedar Country Lumbersays: October 15, 2018 at 9:13 pm
What is VG grade red cedar?
Clear, Vertical Grain– This is the highest grade of Western Red Cedar and is commonly just referred to as “VG”. Vertical grain means that the growth rings are parallel to each other on the face of the board, and the wood is sawn specifically to achieve that look.
How many knots per 12’ of red cedar?
In addition to interior and exterior trim, as well as exterior cladding, Western Red Cedar of this grade is also used for cabinetry, doors, windows and similar applications. 4 knots per 12’ of each board is allowable. No 2 & Better– The grade generally assigned for Western Red Cedar timbers and beamswhen the finest quality rough lumber is desired.