Wat is Praetorisch recht?
In het Romeinse recht werd het erfrecht bij versterf al in de Wet van de Twaalf Tafelen vastgelegd. De praetor benoemde soms echter zelf erfgenamen die er eigenlijk geen recht op hadden. Onder Justinianus werd het civiele en praetorische erfrecht samengevoegd.
Wat zijn keizerlijke constituties?
Novellen Na 534 verschenen er nog meer constituties. Vooral tijdens het ministerschap van Tribonianus verscheen er een lange reeks van constituties, deze werden Novellen (nieuwe constituties) genoemd. Alle constituties die werden uitgevaardigd door keizers kregen deze naam.
What is another name for the Code of Justinian?
Alternative Titles: Codex Justinianeus, Corpus Iuris Civilis, Corpus Juris Civilis. Code of Justinian, Latin Codex Justinianus, formally Corpus Juris Civilis (“Body of Civil Law”), collections of laws and legal interpretations developed under the sponsorship of the Byzantine emperor Justinian I from 529 to 565 ce.
What is the Codex Justinianus used for?
Codex Justinianus. The Codex Justinianus (Latin for “The Code of Justinian”) is one part of the Corpus Juris Civilis, the codification of Roman law ordered early in the 6th century AD by Justinian I, who was an Eastern Roman (Byzantine) emperor in Constantinople. Two other units, the Digest and the Institutes, were created during his reign.
What was the law of Justinian?
Roman law: The law of Justinian. When the Byzantine emperor Justinian I assumed rule in 527 ce, he found the law of the Roman Empire in a state of great confusion. It consisted of two masses that were usually distinguished as old law and new law.
How many years of legal documents did Justinian write?
He also appointed a commission of scholars to codify 2000 volumes of legal works, some dating back about 1000 years. This condensation, produced from 529 to 533, formed the Codex Justinianus, later known as the Code of Justinian or, after a printed edition of 1583, as the Corpus Juris Civilis.