Wat is Nasofarynxcarcinoom?
Nasofarynxcarcinoom (ook wel NPC naar de Engelse term nasopharyngeal carcinoma) is een in Europa en de Verenigde Staten zeer zeldzame vorm van plaveiselcelcarcinoom (kanker van het plaveiselcelepitheel) in de neus- en keelholten.
Wat is Hypopharynx?
De hypofarynx of onderste keelholte bevindt zich onder de strottenklep, net boven de slokdarm, en binnen het strottenhoofd. De onderste keelholte vormt de overgang van de keel naar de slokdarm.
Wat is de Laryngopharynx?
Dus de nasofarynx is de neuskeelholte. Het iets lagere, direct achter de mond gelegen gedeelte heet de orofarynx. Nog iets lager bevindt zich de hypofarynx of laryngofarynx, die loopt tot aan de larynx. De term farynx wordt ook wel gebezigd als synoniem voor keel, alhoewel dit niet helemaal correct is.
What is the retromolar trigone?
Retromolar Trigone (rTR) is the Gingiva or mucosa covering the alveolar ridge posterior to the last Mandibular molar overlying the ramus of the mandible and is defined as a Roughly triangular space. The mucosa covering the Retromolar Trigone is rigid as it is tightly adherent to the underlying alveolar bone.
Is there an optimal treatment for squamous cell carcinoma of the retromolar trigone?
Objective: Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the retromolar trigone is uncommon, accounting for 1.4% of all oral cancer cases in Japan. Few studies have examined the optimal treatment for this cancer.
How is retromolar trigone cancer diagnosed?
Diagnostic methods to detect Retromolar Trigone Cancer, Cyst or Tumors are Computed Tomography – multidetector CT has been found to be useful in providing better anatomic resolution with options like “puffed-cheek distension”. Most common type of Cancer seen is the Squamous cell carcinoma in different grades of differentiation.
What is the rate of incidence of retromolar trigone cancer?
The incidence of retromolar trigone cancer is around 1.5% of the total oral cancers. The affected subsite will reveal the clinical symptoms of cancer. Surgical approaches or reconstructive techniques are always considered first-line treatments. Although the distance between the sites is a few millimeters apart.