Wat is inflammatoire acne?
Inflammatoire acne wordt gekenmerkt door de aanwezigheid van bobbeltjes, pustels of knobbeltjes, deze worden zo genoemd in functie van hun grootte en diepte in de huid.
Hoe verspreid acne?
Zelfs wanneer je het niet direct tegen je gezicht aanhoudt, raak je het scherm ook vaak aan met je handen. Wanneer je daarna je gezicht aanraakt met je handen, worden de bacteriën die zorgen voor puistjes verspreid.
Hoe heet de meest voorkomende soort acne?
Acne vulgaris is de meest voorkomende soort acne. Acne vulgaris kan bestaan uit onderstaande huidverstoppingen: Open mee-eters met een grijszwarte prop. De zwarte kleur is geen vuil of viezigheid, maar ontstaat doordat talg in aanraking komt met zuurstof in de buitenlucht.
What is Grade 4 acne and how to treat it?
Nearly all cystic acne sufferers develop scarring. Suggested treatment: Grade IV acne should be treated by a dermatologist in conjunction with your skin care therapist. It tends to be hard to control, and almost always requires powerful systemic medications in addition to topical treatments.
How are acne grades classified?
Acne is classified into four grades according to severity. Specific criteria are used to classify acne symptoms, including: Assessing the grade of acne by a trained skin treatment therapist or dermatologist/ doctor is an important step in treatment, as all acne grades require different treatment methods.
What does Grade 3 acne look like?
Grade 3 – Severe Acne Inflammation is marked and there will be a lot of papules and pustules over the face. Since the lesions occur near to each other, it can spread and merge with each other and look like crops. This will lead to skin damage and even without squeezing, scarring can occur once healed.
What is the best treatment for Grade 3 acne?
Suggested treatment: Only a qualified dermatologist or specialist skin treatment therapist should treat acne at this stage. Grade III acne is usually treated with both topical and systemic therapies available only by prescription. Left untreated, Grade III acne may progress to Grade IV.