Wat is de socratische vraagstelling?
Dat is een vraag die niet beantwoord kan worden door te verwijzen naar bestaande kennis, regels of deskundigen, maar alleen met gezamenlijk denken. De meest eenvoudige manier om tot een socratische vraag te komen is door begrippen te onderzoeken.
Wat is socratische ironie?
Daarnaast gebruikt Socrates in de dialoog ironie (eirôneia): hij doet alsof hij de redenering van zijn gesprekspartner volgt, terwijl later blijkt dat hij het niet met hem eens is. Dit leidt tot elenchus (elenchos): het op de proef stellen van de opvattingen van zijn gesprekspartner.
What is a Socratic seminar?
Through this type of discussion, students practice how to listen to one another, make meaning, and find common ground while participating in a conversation. The Socratic Seminar strategy is based on close textual analysis, so it is important to select a text that provides ample avenues for interpretation and discussion.
How long should I prepare for a Socratic seminar?
Socratic Seminars are based on critical thinking, and when students are put on the spot, they can’t delve as deeply as they would like into a given topic. I recommend giving students, at the very least, 24 hours to prepare for a Socratic seminar. The first time I used one, I didn’t tell the students what they would be discussing.
Why use poetry in Socratic Seminars?
Poems offer enough variety in interpretation to have a meaningful discussion without having an overwhelming amount of text. Socratic Seminars are based on critical thinking, and when students are put on the spot, they can’t delve as deeply as they would like into a given topic.
What is the group conversation in a Socratic seminar?
The group conversation assists participants in constructing meaning through disciplined analysis, interpretation, listening, and participation. In a Socratic Seminar, the participants carry the burden of responsibility for the quality of the discussion.