Wat is Atrium overbelasting?

Wat is Atrium overbelasting?

Definitie en oorzaak atriumfibrilleren Atriumfibrilleren is een hartritmestoornis waarbij de boezems (atria) van het hart niet meer zoals normaal rustig en regelmatig samentrekken maar veel te snel en onregelmatig samentrekken. Dit wordt veroorzaakt door meerdere electrische ‘wervelstormen’ die door beide atria gaan.

Wat is linkerventrikel?

De linkerventrikel of linkerkamer is een van de vier holten in het hart. Het hart heeft twee boezems (atria) en twee kamers (ventrikels).

Is mild left ventricular hypertrophy in essential hypertension really arrhythmogenic?

Mild left ventricular hypertrophy in essential hypertension: Is it really arrhythmogenic? Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) has been associated with an increased incidence of ventricular arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death in hypertensive patients.

What is the treatment for LVH?

Depending on the type of damage that has occurred, treatment measures may include medications and heart-healthy lifestyle changes to help reduce the pressure in the heart. If LVH is caused by a heart valve problem, surgery may be needed to repair or replace the valve. Can LVH be reversed?

Why is it important to diagnose LVH early?

LVH usually happens as a result of other heart problems such as: It is important to treat the causes of LVH early because it can lead to severe problems like heart failure, sudden cardiac arrest and ischemic stroke. How is LVH diagnosed? Because LVH can develop silently over several years without symptoms, it can be difficult to diagnose.

Can mild LVH among ambulatory hypertensive patients be reversed?

The latter resulted in LVH regression in the 65 patients with mild LVH at baseline. It appears that mild LVH among ambulatory hypertensive patients does not carry an additive arrhythmogenic risk and can be successfully reversed with the appropriate antihypertensive therapy, with no need of additional antiarrhythmic management.