Wat betekent processus Condylaris?

Wat betekent processus Condylaris?

De mandibula of onderkaak is het enige beweegbare deel van de schedel. Het biedt structuur en bescherming voor de mondholte en een bevestigingsplaats voor de tanden. De mandibula is door middel van kogelgewrichten bevestigd aan het achterste uitsteeksel (processus condylaris) van de maxillaire tak (ramus maxillae).

Wat is de processus Alveolaris?

alveolair bot = (processus alveolaris) Dragend deel van het kaakbeen in boven- en onderkaak waarin de tanden en kiezen verankerd zitten. Processus mastoideus = De processus mastoideus of het tepelbeen is een uitstekend deel van de onderzijde van het os temporale (slaapbeen) en maakt deel uit van de schedel.

What is the function of the zygomatic process?

The zygomatic process is a place for muscle attachment, mainly muscles involved in chewing. In addition, this process of the temporal bone helps strengthen the entire cheekbone area. What is the difference between zygomatic arch and zygomatic process?

How is the zygomatic arch formed?

The zygomatic arch is formed from parts of both the zygomatic bone and the temporal bone. The extension of the temporal bone is known specifically as the zygomatic process, and attaches directly to the similarly shaped process on the zygomatic bone. The two extensions effectively make a tunnel of bone through which muscle and tendon can pass.

Where is the zygomatic process of the temporal bone?

Zygomatic process of temporal bone. The zygomatic process of the temporal bone is a long, arched process projecting from the lower part of the squamous portion of the temporal bone. It articulates with the zygomatic bone.

What is the function of temporalis and zygomatic arch?

This muscle provides most of the motion of the jaw, while the temporalis muscle provides extra tension on the jaw to grind, chew, strip and mash food. The zygomatic arch and associated structures provide a large surface area for these muscles to attach.