Wat betekent nafs in Islam?
In de islamitische wereld is de ‘jihad al-nafs’, de inspanning tegen de aardse driften, een actueel begrip. Vooral binnen het soefisme, de mystieke tak van de islam, bewandelen moslims deze weg op zoek naar God.
Wat betekent al Qoedoes?
De ‘Roeh Al-Qoedoes’ (Arabisch: الروح القدس) is de islamitische opvatting van de heilige geest. Hier is sprake van het versterken van verschillende profeten, zoals Isa, door God met de heilige geest. In Soera De Profeten 91 is sprake van het inblazen van de geest in Maryam.
Wat betekent nafs?
Nafs of Nefs is een Arabisch begrip (verwant aan het Hebreeuwse woord “Nefesh” נפש), dat voorkomt in de Koran met de betekenis “zelf”, “psyche”, “ego” of “ziel”, in zijn onontwikkelde staat.
What is the meaning of ruh� in Islam?
In Sufism, rūḥ (Arabic: روح ; plural arwah) is a person’s immortal, essential self — pneuma, i.e. the ” spirit ” or ” soul “. The Quran itself does not describe rūḥ as the immortal self.
What does Ruh al-Qudus mean?
Further, the Quran refers to rūḥ as Ruh al-qudus (Arabic: روح القدس , “the holy spirit ” or “spirit of holiness”) and al-ruh al-amin (“the faithful/trustworthy spirit”). The holy spirit is more commonly known as archangel Gabriel (Arabic: جبريل, Jibrīl or جبرائيل, Jibrāʾīl) the messenger to all the prophets.
Is Ruh an angel?
There is disagreement on whether ruh is an angel. The term Rūḥ al-Qudus is also an epithet referring to the Archangel Gabriel, who is related as the Angel of revelation and was assigned by God to reveal the Qurʼan to the prophet Muhammad and who delivered the Annunciation to Mary.
How will Allah answer “who is the irresistible”?
There being no one and nothing to answer, Allah will Himself answer by saying, “Allah, the One, the Irresistible.” To Him belongs all things and to Him is the return. I hope this was helpful to you.