Waar slaat Salesforce data op?
Uw Persoonsgegevens kunnen worden verzameld, overgedragen aan en opgeslagen door ons in de Verenigde Staten en door onze gelieerde ondernemingen en derden die worden beschreven in sectie 6 hierboven, die zijn gevestigd in andere landen. De adressen van onze kantoren waar, inc.
Wat is Dreamforce?
Dreamforce 2021 is de 19e jaarlijkse editie van Salesforce; een reünie die is ontworpen om de hele Salesforce-gemeenschap – klanten, partners, werknemers, studenten en meer – samen te brengen om te leren, contact te maken, plezier te hebben en iets terug te doen.
Where is the new Salesforce Park in San Francisco?
The bottom levels are the new Salesforce Transit Center and the top level is the new Salesforce Park. The park is surrounded by Salesforce buildings and is a short walk from Embarcadero Bart, Montgomery Bart, and the SF Ferry Building . If you are planning to visit San Francisco, I highly recommend visiting the new Salesforce Park.
What is there to do at Salesforce Park?
Surrounded by luxurious high-rises including Salesforce Tower, the Salesforce Park is very ecologically thoughtful to venerate. Before the start of last year’s pandemic, they have yoga, they have musicians (playing on the glassy walkway), and they used to have a couple of food and drink stalls. I used to see other people play board games.
Where is Salesforce Park in Fidi?
Salesforce Park is located in the heart of FiDi. You take an elevator up to the entrance and there’s no fee to visit. I stopped by during the early night on a Monday and I was surprised to see so few people there. I have to say, the views at night are absolutely gorgeous!
Are Dogs Allowed at Salesforce Park?
Everyone’s welcome to enjoy this public park, a living roof where a curved walking trail lined with benches surrounds grassy lawns, dancing fountains, a children’s play area, and an amphitheater. While we love our four-legged friends, dogs are not allowed at Salesforce Park, which is home to delicate plants and habitat and 13 unique ecosystems.