Waar is Doornroosje op gebaseerd?

Waar is Doornroosje op gebaseerd?

Doornroosje of De schone slaapster (originele titel Sleeping Beauty) is een Amerikaanse animatiefilm uit 1959, van Walt Disney Feature Animation. De film is gebaseerd op het sprookje van de Schone Slaapster zoals dat is opgetekend door Charles Perrault. Het was Walt Disneys zestiende avondvullende tekenfilm.

Welke prinses slaapt?

Doornroosje is een verhaal over een mooie prinses die op haar zestiende verjaardag zichzelf prikt aan een spinnenwiel waardoor zij en het hele koninkrijk in slaap valt.

Who is the voice of Shrek in the movies?

Shrek (voiced by Mike Myers, Michael Gough as his official voice in the video games) is the lead character in all of the films. He prides himself on being a big, green, terrifying ogre and is grumpy and hot-tempered, but is also caring and brave.

What is the name of the ugly sister in Shrek?

Doris (voiced by Larry King and Jonathan Ross in the UK version of Shrek 2) makes her first appearance in Shrek 2 and returns in Shrek the Third and very briefly in Shrek Forever After. She is based on one of Cinderella’s two stepsisters. Unlike the other ugly sisters, she is an ally and best friend to Fiona.

What is the name of the princess in Shrek?

Princess Fiona (voiced by Cameron Diaz, singing voice provided by Sally Dworsky in the first film, Renee Sands on all other occasions, and Holly Fields in the video games) is the princess of Far Far Away, the daughter of late King Harold and Queen Lillian, cousin of King Arthur Pendragon, and Shrek’s wife from the end of the first film on.

What happens at the end of Shrek and Fiona?

By the end of the film, they have been born and are shown playing around the swamp, Shrek and Fiona getting used to being their parents, with the help of Puss, Lillian, Donkey and Dragon. Two of them pull Puss’s tail and put a pacifier into his mouth. Another pulls some ear wax from Shrek’s ear and uses it to draw pictures with its left hand.