Kan je naar de Noordpool?

Kan je naar de Noordpool?

Er zijn diverse manieren om naar de geografische Noordpool op 90° NB te reizen. Goedkoop zijn Noordpool reizen niet. Heb je minder budget, dan kan je beter kijken naar bijvoorbeeld Lapland reizen.

Hoe lang is het rijden naar Antarctica?

De kortste afstand (vogelvlucht) tussen Antarctica en Nederland is 15.004,13 km. De kortste route tussen Antarctica en Nederland is 14.811,13 km volgens de routeplanner. De rijtijd is ongeveer 177h 49min. De helft van de reis wordt bereikt op 11.97342867844619,37.709170239230104.

How long does it take to cruise around Antarctica?

These trips begin and end in either Ushuaia, Argentina or Punta Arenas, Chile. Most operators cruise a similar route – cross the Drake Passage, cruise several days (4-5) along the western shore of the Antarctic Peninsula, then return back through the Drake Passage. This option typically takes between 10 to 13 days in total.

What are the best cruise ships to visit Antarctica?

MS Roald Amundsen – a state-of-the-art vessel, the MS Roald Amundsen was added to Hurtigruten’s Antarctica fleet in 2019, a hybrid cruise ship (the world’s first!) operating partially on electricity and boasting the latest sustainable technology. (500 passengers)

When is the best time to go to Antarctica?

As can be expected, the most popular and best Antarctica cruises take place from late-November through late-February—the summer months in the Southern Hemisphere. “Awaken your soul to the wonder of Antarctica”, says Silversea Cruises on their website. And they do a great job invoking the sense of wilderness and wildness with their descriptions.

What is a Hurtigruten Antarctica cruise?

Our third Antarctica cruise line is Hurtigruten, a Norwegian-based company that specializes in expedition cruises to remote destinations. Its name literally meaning “Express Route” in Norwegian, Hurtigruten was founded in 1893 as a transportation and communication service along the rugged coasts of Norway.