Hoeveel vierkante meter per groep vloerverwarming?

Hoeveel vierkante meter per groep vloerverwarming?

Vergeet niet het aantal groepen te berekenen! Bij hoofdverwarming is dat één groep per 10 m2, dus zo’n 100 tot 120 meter buis. Een ruimte van 30 m2 heeft dus minimaal drie groepen nodig. Gaat het om bijverwarming? Dan is één groep per 15 m2 voldoende en kunt u voor dezelfde ruimte vaak met twee groepen toe.

Hoe groot mag een groep vloerverwarming zijn?

Iedere groep vloerverwarming kan maximaal 100 tot 120 meter buis bevatten, afhankelijk van de diameter van de buizen. Wanneer u de vloerverwarming als hoofdverwarming gebruikt, worden de buizen vrij dicht op elkaar gelegd. Elke groep kan in dit geval ongeveer 10 m² vloer verwarmen.

What is PEX pipe?

(Tradepex, Ozpex, Sharkbite, Waterpex, Pipapex etc.) Pex pipe (Cross-linked polyethylene) is the newest generation in plumbing pipe technology. It uses a durable plastic composite to create a cost effective plumbing solutions. Due to its low cost and ability to be installed very quickly, it is extremely common in new builds.

What is the difference between PEX and PVC?

The installation of PEX piping is typically faster, easier, and less expensive than rigid piping such as copper or PVC. PEX piping is flexible, thereby able to change directions and bend around corners without the need for the elbow fittings required for rigid piping.

What is the difference between PEX and polybutylene pipe?

However, PEX has the greater resistance to control the pressure of water, even with high amount of chlorine. Due to the inbuilt weakness in Polybutylene (PB), the pipe is not accepted in Canada and U.S. as people living in these countries do not use these pipes because of its fragile aspects.

What is the difference between PEX and Pb?

One of the most important benefits that PEX over PB is it can tolerate more pressure. However, every manufacturer tries to prove the superiority of PB, but the fact is PEX will constantly have more pressure tolerance power than PB. PEX is always a better option than PB because of its amazing water resistant features.