Hoeveel ml mag je intramusculair injecteren in de bil?

Hoeveel ml mag je intramusculair injecteren in de bil?

Voor een intramusculaire injectie geldt dat er maximaal vijftien millimeter vloeistof mag worden ingespoten.

Welke kleur naald bij subcutane injectie?

Aanbevolen naald(en) subcutaan: Voor loodrechte subcutane injecties wordt een dunne naald gebruikt: 0,4 – 0,6mm. Grijze, bruine, oranje, paarse of blauwe naald. De lengte van de naald is afhankelijk van de gebruikte techniek en van de dikte van de huid: Voor loodrechte subcutane injecties: 5 – 12mm.

What is the ventrogluteal injection?

Advantages and Disadvantages for the Ventrogluteal Injection The ventrogluteal injection site is the preferred injection site for adults and children over 7 months. The muscle that is injected into at this site is the gluteus medius. The advantage to this site is that it is reasonably free of major nerves and vascular branches.

What is a ventrogluteal area?

Ventrogluteal Definition The ventrogluteal area is the area in which intramuscular injections are performed.  The ventrogluteal muscle area is often preferred for the administration of intramuscular injections, as it allows for the rapid absorption of the injected medication.

What is the maximum volume for a ventrogluteal injection?

Considerations for the ventrogluteal injection (to the patient a butt injection?) Once past that point remember that the volume of drug that can go the ventrogluteal route is 1.0 – 4.0 ml for well developed muscles, but a child under 2 years old should receive no more than 1 ml in the ventrogluteal site.

When should you use a ventrogluteal needle?

The clinical guidelines for nurses indicate that the ventrogluteal site should be used whenever it is possible, in preference to the other ones. The medication is recommended with a needle that has a sufficient length in order to reach the said muscles groups and without affecting the surrounding structures.