Hoe zet je koolmonoxide melder uit?
De koolmonoxidemelder kan ook handmatig uitgezet worden met behulp van het indrukken van de testknop. Na 10 minuten voert de melder weer een test uit en de sirene gaat af wanneer de concentratie CO te hoog is. Zo niet, dan keert de koolmonoxidemelder terug naar de normale modus.
Hoe werkt koolmonoxide?
Koolmonoxide is een, voor mensen en dieren gevaarlijk, gas dat ontstaat bij een onvolledige verbranding van een brandstof op basis van koolstof, zoals aardgas. Bij de onvolledige verbranding binden de overgebleven koolstofatomen zich aan de overgebleven zuurstofatomen en dat vormt koolmonoxide.
Does Kidde have a carbon monoxide detector?
This Kidde carbon monoxide (CO) alarm is an important part of your family’s home safety plan. This alarm has been designed and tested to detect CO buildup in a residential environment. Your alarm is for use specifically in the home.
What is a Kidde Co alarm?
Note: Many times throughout this User’s Guide, we will refer to Carbon Monoxide as “CO”. This Kidde carbon monoxide (CO) alarm is an important part of your family’s home safety plan. This alarm has been designed and tested to detect CO buildup in a residential environment. Your alarm is for use specifically in the home.
What is a Carbon Monoxide alarm?
IMPORTANT: This carbon monoxide alarm is designed to detect carbon monoxide from ANY source of combustion. It is NOT designed to detect smoke, fire, or any other gas. WARNING: Carbon monoxide alarms are not smoke alarms. This carbon monoxide alarm is not a substitute for installing and maintaining an appropriate number of smoke alarms in your home.
How many beeps does a carbon monoxide detector have?
Carbon Monoxide Alarm Indicator When the alarm senses a dangerous level of CO, the unit will emit a loud alarm pattern. The alarm pattern is 4 quick beeps followed by 5 seconds of silence, repeating for as long as dangerous conditions exist.