Hoe leg je een Word Pagina liggend?

Hoe leg je een Word Pagina liggend?

Selecteer de pagina’s of alinea’s waarvan u de afdrukstand wilt wijzigen. Klik op Pagina-indeling > startpictogram dialoogvenster Pagina-instelling . Klik in het dialoogvenster Pagina-instelling onder Afdrukstand op Staand of Liggend.

Waar staat alinea in Word?

De regelafstand in een gedeelte van het document wijzigen

  1. Selecteer een of meer alinea’s die u wilt bijwerken.
  2. Ga naar >Regel en Alinea-afstand.
  3. Selecteer Opties voor regelafstand en kies een optie in het vak Regelafstand.
  4. Pas de instellingen Voor en Na aan om de afstand tussen alinea’s te wijzigen.
  5. Selecteer OK.

What does MS Word mean?

Sometimes called Winword, MS Word, or Word, Microsoft Word is a word processor published by Microsoft. It is one of the office productivity applications included in the Microsoft Office suite. Originally developed by Charles Simonyi and Richard Brodie, it was first released in 1983.

What are the features and components of MS Word?

Features of MS Word. Now let us read more about the features and components of an MS Word doc file in detail. The image given below shows the different elements and categories which are available in MS Word doc: Home. This has options like font colour, font size, font style, alignment, bullets, line spacing, etc.

What is the difference between Microsoft Word 2010 and word 2019?

Word 2010 allows more customization of the Ribbon, adds a Backstage view for file management, has improved document navigation, allows creation and embedding of screenshots, and integrates with Word Web App. Word 2019 added the Dictate function. Word for Mac

What is the full form of Microsoft Word?

Microsoft Word. Sometimes called Winword, MS Word, or Word, Microsoft Word is a word processor published by Microsoft. It is one of the office productivity applications included in Microsoft Office. Originally developed by Charles Simonyi and Richard Brodie, it was first released in 1983.