Hoe heet de chemische reactie die plaatsvindt in het blad van een plant waarbij zonlicht wordt omgezet in voedingsstoffen?

Hoe heet de chemische reactie die plaatsvindt in het blad van een plant waarbij zonlicht wordt omgezet in voedingsstoffen?

Dit wordt fotosynthese genoemd. Speciale cellen in de bladeren van planten genaamd fotosynthetische pigmenten kunnen lichtenergie veranderen in chemische energie. Deze chemische energie wordt vervolgens gebruikt om koolstofdioxide (CO2) en water (H2O) om te zetten in suikers zoals glucose.

Welke stoffen worden gebruikt bij fotosynthese?

Fotosynthese is het proces waarbij planten water en koolstofdioxide, onder invloed van energie uit licht, omzetten in zuurstof en glucose (suiker).

What happens when water is oxidized in photosynthesis?

Water is oxidized in photosynthesis, which means it loses electrons, and carbon dioxide is reduced, meaning it gains electrons. What is oxidized process? Oxidation is defined as a process in which an electron is removed from a molecule during a chemical reaction. What happens in oxidation? During oxidation, there is a transfer of electrons.

Is CO2 oxidized or reduced in photosynthesis?

Water is oxidized in photosynthesis, which means it loses electrons, and carbon dioxide is reduced, meaning it gains electrons. Mar 13, 2018 What is reduced vs oxidized?, Oxidation is the gain of oxygen.

What type of reaction is photosynthesis Quizlet?

Photosynthesis involves the reduction of carbon dioxide into sugars and the oxidation of water into molecular oxygen. The reverse reaction, respiration, oxidizes sugars to produce carbon dioxide and water. Why is photosynthesis considered a redox reaction? Photosynthesis is a redox process where oxidation and reduction both occurs.

How is oxygen evolved in photosynthesis?

Oxygen is evolved in photosynthesis by the splitting of water [1]. Water splits during electron transport from HZO to COZ via the electron transport chain of plastid membranes. The steps of electron flow on the reducing side of photosystem II (PS II) are well characterised but little is known about its oxidising side.