Welke periode now 3?

Welke periode now 3?

De NOW 3 bestaat uit 3 tijdvakken van 3 maanden: Het eerste tijdvak van de NOW 3 (NOW 3.1) liep van 1 oktober tot en met 31 december 2020. De aanvraagperiode voor deze regeling is gesloten. Het tweede tijdvak (NOW 3.2) liep van 1 januari tot en met 31 maart 2021.

Hoe wordt de Now 1 berekend?

Dit bedrag wordt als volgt berekend:

  1. Wij nemen het verschil tussen 3× de loonsom van januari 2020 (of november 2019) en de opgetelde loonsommen van maart, april en mei 2020.
  2. Het verschil tussen deze bedragen wordt vermenigvuldigd met 130% (forfaitaire verhoging) × 90% (percentage van de tegemoetkoming).

Is there a deadline for applying to CSU?

**Some CSU Campuses have extended their priority application period past December 1, 2021. See the Priority Application Deadline page. This information is subject to change. If you need more detailed information, please contact the campus admissions office directly.

What is the deadline for submitting my fall 2021 application?

*Fees have been waived for Fall 2021. Submit the Fall 2021 waiver by August 31, 2021. Priority deadline for preliminary review. Candidate meets with the Dissertation Reviewer via Zoom/email and is guaranteed format feedback prior to the deadline for uploading the first draft.

How do I view the admission application deadline for specific admission categories?

For specific admission categories, visit Available Terms. All deadlines are “submit by dates” unless otherwise noted. For the online University Admission Application, click here. Please locate your program below to view its respective admission application deadline.

When are taxes due in California 2019?

Most people must file and pay their tax owed by April 15, 2019. California grants you an automatic 6-month extension to file your state tax return. No form is required. You must file by October 15, 2019. Your payment is still due by April 15, 2019.