Welke mineralen zijn radioactief?
Sommige mensen hebben radioactieve bronnen in huis, meestal zonder het te weten. Bepaalde mineralen (onder andere uraanhoudend erts, torberniet, autuniet en monaziet) bevatten bijvoorbeeld significante hoeveelheden uranium en thorium, natuurlijke radioactieve stoffen.
What are the radon levels in Colorado?
Colorado is known as Zone 1 when it comes to the presence of high radon gas levels. Nearly 73% (that is every 3 out of 4 homes) of all homes in Colorado have high levels of the gas. The EPA recommended action level is 4 pCi (picocuries) of radon per one liter of air, meaning that any level higher than that requires mitigation.
What is radon gas and why is it dangerous?
Radon gas is said to decay into radioactive particles that can get trapped in the lungs leading to lung tissue damage and potential lung cancer. Colorado is known as Zone 1 when it comes to the presence of high radon gas levels. Nearly 73% (that is every 3 out of 4 homes) of all homes in Colorado have high levels of the gas.
What is the Colorado radon poster contest?
The contests are designed to raise awareness about the importance of radon testing and to inform people of the dangers of radon in their homes. Students may enter the Colorado contest, and the winning poster and video representing Colorado will be entered in the national contest.
Does radon gas increase in the winter?
During the cold months, the potential for high radon gas levels reaches its maximum because windows and doors are locked tight to keep out the winter’s chill. Make sure to test your house for radon levels especially in this season and have mitigation done if the levels are above the acceptable level.
What is autunite made of?
Autunite crystallizes in the orthorhombic system and often occurs as tabular square crystals, commonly in small crusts or in fan-like masses. Due to the moderate uranium content of 48.27% it is radioactive and also used as uranium ore. Coarse groups are found, but scaly coatings are more common.
What is the chemical formula for autunite?
Autunite is a phosphate mineral that formula is calcium uranium phosphate (Ca (UO2)2 (PO4)2·10–12H2O) and It is harness of 2 – 2, 5.A popular collector’s mineral. Greenish or lemon yellow in color, autunite specimens fluoresce green under ultraviolet light.
What is the color of autunite?
Greenish or lemon yellow in color, autunite specimens fluoresce green under ultraviolet light. Autunite crystallizes in the orthorhombic system and often occurs as tabular square crystals, commonly in small crusts or in fan-like masses.