Welke contra-indicaties zijn er voor loperamide?

Welke contra-indicaties zijn er voor loperamide?


  • acute dysenterie, gekenmerkt door bloed in de ontlasting en hoge koorts;
  • acute colitis ulcerosa;
  • pseudomembraneuze colitis geassocieerd met breed-spectrum antimicrobiële middelen;
  • bacteriële enterocolitis door invasieve organismen, zoals Salmonella, Shigella en Campylobacter;

Hoe werkt een Smelttablet?

“Smelt” betekent dat deze tablet oplost op de tong. Dit middel hoort bij de groep geneesmiddelen die analgetica genoemd worden. Dit zijn pijnstillende of pijnverzachtende middelen.

Wat is een absolute contra indicatie voor diarree remmers?

Contra-indicaties bacteriële enterocolitis door invasieve organismen; acute ulceratieve colitis; pseudomembraneuze colitis geassocieerd met breed-spectrum antibiotica; gebruik bij kinderen < 2 jaar.

What is loperamide used for?

The antidiarrheal over-the-counter drug loperamide is increasingly being used to control opioid withdrawal or for opioid abuse. Taking many times above the normally recommended dose is dangerous with cardiovascular, respiratory, and neurological adverse events.

Does loperamide have an abuse potential?

Loperamide was thought to have minimal abuse potential due to its low bioavailability and limited central nervous system activity; however, there have been increasing reports of loperamide misuse in … Loperamide is an over-the-counter, μ-opioid receptor agonist commonly used as an antidiarrheal agent.

Is loperamide the same as Imodium?

Loperamide. Loperamide, sold under the brand name Imodium, among others, is a medication used to decrease the frequency of diarrhea. It is often used for this purpose in gastroenteritis, inflammatory bowel disease, and short bowel syndrome. It is not recommended for those with blood in the stool.

Does loperamide make you constipated?

Loperamide is an antidiarrheal agent, which decreases intestinal movement. As such, when combined with other antimotility drugs, the risk of constipation is increased. These drugs include other opioids, antihistamines, antipsychotics, and anticholinergics.

Welke contra indicaties zijn er voor loperamide?

Welke contra indicaties zijn er voor loperamide?


  • acute dysenterie, gekenmerkt door bloed in de ontlasting en hoge koorts;
  • acute colitis ulcerosa;
  • pseudomembraneuze colitis geassocieerd met breed-spectrum antimicrobiële middelen;
  • bacteriële enterocolitis door invasieve organismen, zoals Salmonella, Shigella en Campylobacter;

Is Zyban leverbaar?

Zyban is alleen op recept verkrijgbaar. Hiervoor kunt u terecht bij de huisarts. De meest effectieve manier om te stoppen met roken is echter met begeleiding. Alle zorgverzekeraars vergoeden daarom ook Zyban voor 100%, maar alleen in combinatie met professionele stoppen met roken begeleiding.

How much Lomotil can you take in a day?

Adults: The recommended initial dosage is two Lomotil tablets four times daily or 10 ml (two regular teaspoonfuls) of Lomotil liquid four times daily (20 mg per day). Most patients will require this dosage until initial control has been achieved, after which the dosage may be reduced to meet individual requirements.

What is Lomotil used to treat?

Lomotil is a combination medicine (2.5 mg diphenoxylate and 0.025 mg atropine combination) used to treat diarrhea in adults and children who are at least 13 years old. Follow you doctor’s or pharmacist’s instructions exactly on how much Lomotil (2.5 mg diphenoxylate and 0.025 mg atropine combination) to take and for how long to take it.

Is Lomotil available without a prescription?

Lomotil (2.5 mg diphenoxylate and 0.025 mg atropine combination) has been used as an antidiarrheal since a long time and had been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1960s. Lomotil, in pack sizes of 20 and 100 tablets, is only available with a doctor’s prescription.

How old do you have to be to take Lomotil?

Management of Diarrhea in Patients 13 Years of Age and Older. Lomotil is recommended as adjunctive therapy for the management of diarrhea in patients 13 years of age and older.