Wat produceert 3M fabriek?

Wat produceert 3M fabriek?

De diverse oplossingen van 3M kunnen u helpen.

  • Arbeidsveiligheid.
  • Filtratie producten.
  • Facilitair onderhoud en reiniging.
  • Automotive producten.
  • Tapes en lijmen.
  • Luchtvaart en vliegtuigonderhoud.
  • Schuren.
  • Chemische stoffen en geavanceerde materialen.

Wat is 3M PFOS?

PFOS (perfluoroctaansulfonzuur) en PFOA (perfluoroctaanzuur) behoren tot de familie van PFAS (poly- en perfluoralkylstoffen). Verschillende rapporten, intern en extern aan 3M, hebben al sinds de jaren 1960 gemeld dat deze stoffen giftig zijn voor mens en dier. 3M stopte in 2000 met de productie in Zwijndrecht.

Hoe giftig is PFOS?

Sinds 2002 produceert chemiereus 3M geen PFOS meer, een van de toxische stoffen waarvan bewezen is dat ze zich opstapelen in het menselijk lichaam en als “zeer gevaarlijk” worden bestempeld.

Who is the CEO of 3M?

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Mike Roman is the chairman of the board and chief executive officer of 3M, a $32 billion science-based company. He leads over 90,000 employees who collaborate to solve problems and improve lives in nearly all countries.

Who is 3M’s new CEO Michael Roman?

Thulin will be appointed to a newly created position, executive chairman of the board, which will enable him assist Roman in developing long-term strategic initiatives for 3M. Michael Roman will replace Inge Thulin as CEO of 3M, the company announced on Monday.

Who is 3m CEO Mike Shafer?

He became chief executive officer in July 2018, following one year as chief operating officer and executive vice president. In that role, he had direct responsibility for 3M’s five business groups, along with its international operations. A self-described “3Mer through and through,” Mike has held several other key leadership roles at the company.

When did Lew Lehr become CEO of 3M?

^ Eccher, Marino (August 3, 2016). “For former 3M CEO Lew Lehr, mistakes were stepping stones”. St. Paul Pioneer Press. Retrieved August 28, 2019. Lehr was chief executive of 3M from 1979 to 1986. ^ Schmeltzer, John (July 1, 2005). “Quaker Oats ex-chief takes control at 3M”. Chicago Tribune. Retrieved August 28, 2019. ^ Bustin, Greg (2019).