Wat is Toularynx?
Toularynx dextromethorphan behoort tot de groep van de hoestremmers. Toularynx dextromethorphan is aangewezen bij behandeling van de symptomen van storende, droge hoest. Toularynx dextromethorphan is aangewezen bij volwassenen en kinderen vanaf 6 jaar.
Hoe schadelijk is codeïne?
Bij een overdosis van codeïne kunnen ernstige bijwerkingen optreden, zoals onderdrukking van de ademhaling, epilepsieachtige toevallen (convulsies), bewustzijnsverlies of coma en shock. De initiële tekenen van overdosis zijn braken, misselijkheid en miose.
Does Robitussin have side effects?
Most people tolerate Robitussin when they take it at recommended doses. But in some cases, side effects can happen. Some of these side effects are more common than others, though all of them are rare. They can happen even when you use Robitussin at the recommended dosage.
What is Robitussin used for?
Robitussin is an over the counter cough medicine 3. The medication comes in different types of formulas, including a cough suppressant, an expectorant, a cough and cold remedy, a cough cold and flu remedy and children’s formulas. The side effects of these medications differ depending on the active ingredients contained in each formula.
What is Robitussin dextromethorphan?
Dextromethorphan is a cough suppressant that works by affecting the part of the brain that causes you to cough 2. It is an ingredient in several Robitussin formulas, including Cough, Cough and Cold and DM 3. Side effects of dextromethorphan are usually mild, and include:
What is Robitussin nighttime cough cold and flu?
Dextromethorphan is a cough suppressant that works by affecting the part of the brain that causes you to cough 2. Robitussin Nighttime Cough Cold and Flu contains 160 mg of acetaminophen per teaspoon 3. Acetaminophen is also the main ingredient in Tylenol. Generally, acetaminophen does not cause noticeable side effects when taken as directed.