Wat eet een zeepier?
De zeepier op het strand vogels , krabben en vissen en zagers. De zeepier leeft van algen, afval en kleine wormpjes wat het tegenkomt.
Wat eten Borstelwormen?
Herkomst | Australië |
Bestrijd | Borstelwormen |
Reefsafe | In principe wel |
Eigenschappen | Heeft dikke zandbodem nodig |
Voedsel | Artemia, mysis, vlokvoer, pellets, algen |
Wat eet een Zeeduizendpoot?
Ze eten kleine ongewervelden als insecten, slakken en wormen, maar ook andere prooien als pissebedden en spinnen worden gegeten. Nederlandse soorten zijn ongevaarlijk maar kunnen wel bijten, de beet voelt aan als een wespensteek.
Are annelids filter feeders or predators?
Annelids can be filter feeders or predators. Most annelids use a pharynx. In carnivorous annelids, the pharynx is used to hold two or more sharp jaws together so they can attack their prey. Annelids that eat decaying animals the pharynx is covered in mucus so food can stick to it and then the worm can eat it.
What is an annelid?
Annelids are worms with segmented bodies that are separated by septa, internal walls between each segment of the worm. attached to some of the segments are setae, bristle like structures. They also have a true coelom that is lined with tissue derived from the mesoderm. Annelids can be filter feeders or predators. Most annelids use a pharynx.
Are annelids herbivores or detritivores?
Many annelids are detritivores feeding on sediments and deposits for what they contain in terms of smaller invertebrates and micro-organisms.
How do annelids catch their food?
Some annelids are hunters, the prey usually being other small invertebrates. Some are completely free living, other are tube dwellers and emerge from the tube to grab suitable prey with their jaws as they pass by. Many leeches catch their food in this manner too, often swallowing them whole, even if quite large.