Wat betekent Wuhan?

Wat betekent Wuhan?

uitspraak (info / uitleg)) of Woehan is de hoofdstad van de Chinese provincie Hubei. Wuhan bestaat uit drie stadsdelen: Wuchang, Hanyang en Hankou. Het ligt bij de samenvloeiing van de Jangtsekiang en de Hanrivier en in het oosten van de Jianghan Vlakte.

Hoe groot is Wuhan?

8.494 km²Wuhan / Oppervlakte

Welke taal spreken ze in Wuhan?

Mandarijn is de officiële taal in China en wordt door het overgrote deel van de bevolking gesproken.

Wat zijn de grootste steden in China?


  • Shanghai. 7,85. 14,23. 20,22. 21,91. Shanghai.
  • Beijing (Peking) 5,52. 10,43. 16,71. 18,96. Beijing.
  • Shenzhen. 1,08. 6,48. 10,36. 17,49. Guangdong.
  • Guangzhou (Kanton) 3,51. 8,09. 10,64. 16,10. Guangdong.
  • Chengdu. 2,02. 4,75. 7,82. 13,57. Sichuan.
  • Tianjin. 4,09. 6,86. 9,58. 10,90. Tianjin.
  • Wuhan. 3,79. 6,79. 7,54. 10,39. Hubei.
  • Xi’an. 2,46. 4,18. 5,85. 9,90.

What is the meaning of Wu Wang?

Wu wang. Wu wang (died…

C.) was the first ruler of the third Chinese dynasty, the Chou. He was the leader of the forces that overthrew the Shang dynasty. The original name of Wu wang was Chi Fa.

Who is the father of Wu Wang?

Wu wang’s father, known as Wen wang, or the Cultured King, held a ministerial post under Chou Hsin, the Shang ruler. Chou Hsin is depicted in the Chinese tradition as an evil despot and debauchee who delighted in torturing and abusing his subjects.

How did Wu Wang maintain control of the Shang?

Having conquered the Shang by military might, Wu wang now had the problem of maintaining control. One of his first acts was to bestow parcels of territory on those groups who had helped him defeat the Shang. In order to win over the defeated Shang people, he gave Chou Hsin’s son a fief where he could continue the Shang sacrifices.

What does Wu-Wuang stand for?

Wuwang, Wade-Giles romanization Wu-wang, personal name (xingming) Ji Fa, (flourished 11th century bc, China), reign name (nianhao) of the founder and first ruler (1046–43 bc) of the Zhou dynasty (1046–256 bc).