Wat betekent Qrz?
Wanneer ben ik aan de beurt? QRZ? Door wie word ik aangeroepen? QSA?
Wat is Qth?
QTH? Wat is de locatie van het station?
Wat betekent QRV?
QRT? Zal ik stoppen met zenden? QRV? Bent u beschikbaar?
What is ham radio Q-codes?
Ham Radio Q-Codes Amateur Radio Q-Codes International Q Code is an abbreviated way to exchange a great deal of information with a simple code. The Q Code consists of three-letter groups with each group having a specific meaning.
How to operate a QRP Ham?
To perform a QRP operation, a ham should use a good quality QRP transceiver. An ordinary transceiver may also work for QRP but a QRP transceiver is particularly designed to provide hams a small and a portable system with 5W or less power. Some of the QRP transceivers may have power above 5W as well, but most are designed with 5W or less power.
How much does a portable QRO radio weigh?
Finally, Add another 8-10 pounds for a VHF radio (if not using a an FT-857). plus antenna and coax. The bottom line is your complete portable QRO radio is going to top out between 80-200 pounds, with varying space demands. Getting ahead of the critics.
What is the HG3 QRO?
The HG3 QRO is built to order. It is a premium Magnetic Loop Antenna (MLA) with unique characteristics. It provides a number of advantages over a simple wire antenna. However, to enjoy these advantages and use it, it is assumed you have a rudimentary understanding of radio principles and skills commonly practiced by ham radio operators.
Wat betekent QSL?
Een QSL of QSL-kaart is een briefkaart van 14 cm x 9 cm die gebruikt wordt door zendamateurs als schriftelijk bewijs dat een bepaalde verbinding heeft plaatsgevonden tussen twee stations. De kaarten worden door de ontvanger meestal aan de muur van zijn ‘shack’ gehangen.
What does CQ mean in ham radio?
The name of the magazine is derived from the international amateur radio call CQ, used to indicate that the station making the call is available for communications with any other station. CQ ham radiois not associated with the similarly named United Statesmagazine CQ Amateur Radio. References[edit]
Is abcq ham radio associated with the United States amateur radio magazine?
CQ ham radiois not associated with the similarly named United Statesmagazine CQ Amateur Radio. References[edit] ^ abCQ Publishing Advertising Information. CQ Publishing Company, Ltd.web site.
What is the use of CQ code?
CQ code is generally used by radio operators especially those contacting in MORSE CODE for making a normal call, you can say it a “CQ call”. The transmission of CQ letters is actually a request for any radio operator or voice operator to respond the frequency. It is still far used in amateur radio.