Wat betekent devotionele?
Het Nederlandse devoot betekent nog steeds ’toegewijd, vroom’. Het bijbehorende devotie betekent ‘het toegewijd zijn’, ‘vroomheid’ en in het bijzonder iemands persoonlijke spiritualiteit en religieuze beleving.
Wat is de weg van devotie?
Het is een van de manieren waarop een hindoe moksha (verlichting, bevrijding) gelooft te kunnen bereiken. Volgens de bhakti-beweging laat een diepe, persoonlijke band tussen gelovige en godheid de gelovige delen in de glorie van de god, waardoor deze dichter bij het goddelijke komt te staan.
What is a devotional?
There are some devotionals specific to certain holy times, such as Advent or Lent. They get their name from how they are used; You show your devotion to God by reading the passage and praying on it every day. So the collection of readings is then known as a devotional.
Are devotions overwhelming you?
Devotions, the act of reading passages and praying, are a staple in most denominations. Yet, it can get pretty overwhelming when you head into that bookstore and see row after row of different devotionals. There are devotionals that also function as journals and devotionals written by famous people.
Is the devotional life convenient?
These resources are available to you everywhere you go, so even if the devotional life is painfully convicting, at least it can be convenient. Devotionals run the gamut from warm and conversational to more scholarly or poetic, and some even include separate action items or application questions.
What are some of the different types of devotions?
Other devotions include the Divine Mercy based on the visions of Saint Faustina Kowalska, the First Fridays Devotion which is related to devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the First Thursdays Devotion based on the visions of Blessed Alexandrina of Balazar, and the Chaplet of the Holy Wounds revealed to Sister Marie Martha Chambon .