Waar staat WCM voor?
World Class Manufacturing (WCM) betekent tot de besten in je branche willen behoren. WCM is praktisch bruikbaar en bepaalde WCM-technieken en –tools worden zelfs al gebruikt door bedrijven zonder dat ze zich ervan bewust zijn. WCM bouwt immers in grote mate verder op GBV, Gezond BoerenVerstand.
Wat is een WCM manager?
Het idee daarachter is dat je op álle fronten wilt verbeteren, dus qua logistiek, qua onderhoudmanagement en in productkwaliteit. Een geconcerteerde én gebalanceerde aanpak is daartoe nodig, waarbij zowel Lean, TPM, als Six Sigma-principes worden toegepast. Dus precies wat in dit artikel WCM wordt genoemd!
What is WCM?
WHAT IS WCM?? World Class Manufacturing (WCM) is a structured and integrated production system that involves all manufacturing processes in the site and entire organization from the leadership to the people on the shop floor.
What is production operations at WCM?
Production Operations work closely with other departments to streamline the design, development, prototyping and production of all parts processed at WCM. Logistics management and support is also handled through Production, ensuring all parts are handled, packaged and stored ready for the wider supply chain.
Why choose WCM for your low volume production?
The range of services available to customers to serve low volume production needs deliver cutting-edge solutions for interior and exterior metal and plastic parts, assemblies and systems. Production Operations work closely with other departments to streamline the design, development, prototyping and production of all parts processed at WCM.
What is TPM WCM?
Founded in TPM WCM has its foundations in the Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) a maintenance process developed in Japan for improving productivity by making processes more reliable & less wasteful What is World Class Manufacturing?