Waar komt thalassemie voor?
Alfa-thalassemie komt vooral voor bij mensen afkomstig uit Zuidoost-Azie, India, China of de Filippijnen. Ook beta-thalassemie kan bij mensen van aziatische afkomst voorkomen, maar wordt verder vooral gezien bij mensen uit het Middellandse Zee gebied of Afrika.
Wat is thalassemie major?
Thalassemia intermedia en major veroorzaken matige tot ernstige afbraak van de rode bloedcellen. Dit gaat gepaard met klachten van bloedarmoede, zoals vermoeidheid en bleekheid. Door de opstapeling van de afbraakproducten van de rode bloedcellen kan ook geelzucht ontstaan. Het wit van de ogen en huid kleurt dan geel.
What is the difference between thalassemia minor and major?
• Thalassemia major patient is dependent on regular blood transfusion throughout life where as thalassemia minor is a healthy person but with slightly lower hemoglobin level. • Thalassemia major is caused by mutation of both hemoglobin genes where as thalassemia minor is caused by mutation of one gene.
Is there a special diet for thalassemia?
Various low energy exercise and yoga can be done to strengthen the muscles and improve immune system. Foods recommended for thalassemia includes folic acid, milk ginger, Vitamin C, zinc, vitamin D, honey, cereals, vitamin E and dairy products.
Is thalassemia a dominant trait?
These people are said to have ‘beta-thalassemia minor’ or ‘beta-thalassemia trait.’ In a small percentage of families, the condition is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner. In these cases, one mutated copy of the gene in each cell is enough to cause the signs and symptoms of beta-thalassemia.
What is thalassemia intermediate?
Thalassemia Intermedia is inherited when the offspring inherits two copies of a mutated beta/delta-beta/e-beta globin gene from both parents. It is usually caused by minor and/or silent mutations in the HBB gene on chromosome 11. The Thalassemia Intermedias – especially delta-beta 0 genotypes are common in areas like Greece, Italy, Asia and Africa.