Is er verschil tussen GROHE en Hansgrohe?
Het grootste verschil zit hem in de producten. GROHE is gespecialiseerd in kranen, zowel voor wastafels als douches en badkuipen. Hansgrohe specialiseert zich in douchekoppen.
Welke GROHE is het beste?
Eigenlijk is niet te zeggen welke beter is: Hansgrohe over GROHE. Beide merken scoren hoog op het gebied van design, aanbod en kwaliteit. Ook hebben ze allebei een prima prijs-kwaliteitverhouding. Vanuit dit oogpunt maakt het niet uit voor welk merk je gaat.
What is the difference between Kohler and Grohe faucets?
Kohler=Pontiac…Grohe=Mercedes If you hold a Kohler faucet and one of similar size and design in Grohe, with the Grohe the first thing you will notice is weight (heavier moresubstantial), then workmanship and what you can’t see extends to the mechanics of the faucets. I believe this applies to their shower fixtures and rain shower heads.
Are Grohe thermostatic valves any good?
Grohe — seems better made, but yes, kinda contemporary. BTW — the Grohe 3/4″ thermostatic valve is SO much better than Kohler — really holds the temperature and the volume across the shower heads and body sprays, unlike the Kohler.
What makes the Grohe shower system unique?
Exclusive Grohe technologies: the technologies enhance the uniqueness of the Grohe shower system in a variety of ways, such as eliminating water scalding from a hot shower, preventing limescale build-up, improving balanced water flow, and, most importantly, resistance to tarnish and scratch, which makes this system durable.
Are Hansgrohe and Grohe the same company?
Even though the name sounds a little similar, Hansgrohe is not, technically speaking, related to Grohe. But, just as a fun fact, both companies were founded by the same family – father and son, respectively – and because of this, they offer sanitary fixtures that make use of similar design principles and concepts.