Hoe wis ik de cache van mijn browser?

Hoe wis ik de cache van mijn browser?

Dit gaat op de volgende manier:

  1. Gebruik de toetsencombinatie: [Ctrl], [Shift] en [Del].
  2. Een nieuw venster opent: “Browsergegevens wissen”.
  3. Hier kunt u middels het bovenste selectie menu instellen , over welke periode u de cache wenst te legen.
  4. Als u uw browser cache volledig wilt verwijderen, selecteer dan “alles”.

Hoe leeg ik mijn cache Chrome?

In Chrome

  1. Open Chrome op uw computer.
  2. Klik rechtsboven op Meer .
  3. Klik op Meer hulpprogramma’s. Browsegegevens wissen.
  4. Kies bovenaan een periode.
  5. Klik op de selectievakjes naast ‘Cookies en andere sitegegevens’ en ‘Gecachte afbeeldingen en bestanden’.
  6. Klik op Gegevens wissen.

What is browser caching?

1 Browser caching is a process that involves the temporary storage of web resources in web browsers. 2 In browser caching, web resources are stored in a cache and retrieved by the web browser. 3 The HTTP headers used for controlling cache behavior include ETag, Cache-Control, Expires, and Last-Modified.

What is cache and how does it work?

A cache is simply a storage area that stores data for a short time. Browser caching is a process that involves the temporary storage of resources in web browsers. A visitor’s web browser downloads various website resources and stores them in the local drive. These include images, HTML files, and JavaScript files.

Do not cache HTML in the browser?

Do not cache HTML in the browser. Always set cache-control: no-store, no-cache before sending HTML response to the client-side. Embed fingerprints in the URL of static resources like image, JS, CSS, and font files.

How do I configure the browser to cache downloads?

You can configure an app so that the browser will cache files it downloads from your server. When a response is cached, the browser will not request the file again for a period of time. Instead, it will use the same file it previously downloaded.