Hoe duurzaam is biodiesel?

Hoe duurzaam is biodiesel?

Biobrandstoffen in Nederland zijn zeer duurzaam. Dit blijkt uit de jaarrapportage van de Nederlandse Emissieautoriteit (NEa). De biodiesel die we in Nederland gebruiken is hoofdzakelijk gemaakt van gebruikt frituurvet. De emissiefactor van biodiesel is het laagste van alle energiebronnen.

Hoe duurzaam zijn biobrandstoffen?

Biobrandstof is alleen duurzamer dan de fossiele brandstof wanneer de totale uitstoot volgens dit principe lager ligt dan bij de fossiele brandstof. De CO2-uitstoot van opsporing, delving, vervoer en opslag kan bij fossiele brandstoffen oplopen tot 30 procent van de totale uitstoot.

Is biodiesel better for the environment than diesel?

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) research indicates that biodiesel emits 11% less carbon monoxide and 10% less particulate matter than diesel. According to Car Talk, a study done by the Department of Energy and Agriculture found biodiesel reduces net carbon dioxide emissions by 78%.

What is the B-factor of biodiesel?

The B-factor indicates the ratio of biodiesel to other fuels. Most diesel engines can operate with biodiesel fuels without modification. There are some special circumstances you should consider before using biodiesel fuels. Biodiesels may contain a solvent which may release dirt from the engine.

What is biodegradable diesel fuel?

Biodiesel is diesel fuel made from vegetable oils, animal fats, or recycled restaurant greases. It’s safe, biodegradable, and produces less air pollutants than petroleum-based diesel. Biodiesel can be used in its pure form (B100) or blended with petroleum diesel.

How much biodiesel is in a diesel truck?

While many people who drive diesel trucks and cars aren’t aware that the fuel they’re putting in their vehicles has 5% biodiesel, fleet operators actively look for nonpetroleum fuel. In fact, many fleet and commercial vehicles use B20, which is a blend of 20% biodiesel and 80% petroleum.