Hoe bereid ik jackfruit?

Hoe bereid ik jackfruit?

De jonge jackfruit zit in ons blik en is ideaal om mee te koken, omdat hij neutraal van smaak is. Het vruchtvlees neemt makkelijk alle smaken op, waardoor je het heel goed kunt kruiden en marineren. En als je het lang genoeg laat sudderen krijgt het een vlezige structuur.

Hoe groeit jackfruit?

Jackfruit is een stekelvormige vrucht, afkomstig uit Azië, Zuid-Amerika en Afrika. De vrucht groeit aan bomen, is groen en groot, heel groot. Jackfruit kan namelijk wel tot 35 kilo wegen! In Nederland is het nog niet veelgebruikt, maar in o.a. Amerika maakt het nu zijn furore als vleesvervanger.

How is jackfruit being used in India?

While the rest of the world has only viewed jackfruit from the perspective of vegans and vegetarians, the fruit has been put to use in India in more ways than anyone could ever imagine. For instance, in Kerala alone, people have been making chips, halwas, jams, curries and even ice cream from the bulbous and fleshy fruit.

Is India ready to milk the jackfruit craze?

But India is far from milking the jackfruit craze that the West has quite voraciously displayed, with most of the fruit harvest reportedly going to waste every year. Hope this changes soon as farmers and agriculturists in the country realise the untapped potential of the versatile fruit.

Is jackfruit really as bad as The Guardian says?

G iving culinary king Gordon Ramsey a run for his money, an article in The Guardian went on a vitriolic rant against the humble jackfruit. The article, published a week ago, launched accusations like ‘spectacularly ugly, smelly, unfarmed, unharvested pest-plant native to India’ against the fruit.

Is jackfruit good for diabetics?

Since the glycemic load (glucose level) in unripe jackfruit is almost half that of rice or wheat, the fruit makes a potent carbohydrate substitute for diabetics. Jackfruit’s high potassium content helps lower elevated blood pressure and its high anti-oxidant and flavonoid content protect against cancer.