Wat te doen tegen acne PCOS?
Behandeling bij acné en overbeharing bij polycysteus ovarium syndroom. In overleg met uw arts of dermatoloog kan overbeharing en acné bij PCOS behandeld worden met hormonen, zoals het slikken van de Diane35 anticonceptiepil. Deze onderdrukt de mannelijke hormonen die de haarzakjes en talgklieren activeren.
Hoe androgenen verminderen?
Medische behandelingen Vermindering van de hoeveelheid androgenen in het lichaam door: Hormonale anticonceptiemiddelen; Afvallen door het aanleren van een gezonde levensstijl, waardoor insulineresistentie wordt verminderd; Medicatie om insulineresistentie te verminderen.
Is spironolactone or metformin better for PCOS?
We conclude that both drugs are effective in the management of PCOS. Spironolactone appears better than metformin in the treatment of hirsutism, menstrual cycle frequency, and hormonal derangements and is associated with fewer adverse events.
Is spironolactone better than metformin for hirsutism?
Spironolactone appears better than metformin in the treatment of hirsutism, menstrual cycle frequency, and hormonal derangements and is associated with fewer adverse events. Publication types Clinical Trial Comparative Study
What should I know about spironolactone before taking it?
Do not drink alcohol if you’re taking Spironolactone. Spironolactone is not safe for use during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Birth control should be used while on Spironolactone. Spironolactone has a rather slow onset of action (possibly up to six months for full effect).
Can spironolactone cause hair loss?
Ironically – particularly for women with PCOS – this drug can also cause irregular and abnormal menstrual periods and bleeding, irregular or increased hair growth on parts of the body and scalp hair loss; all symptoms of PCOS !10 Patients should be aware that Spironolactone could aggravate some of their PCOS symptoms.