Wat is galgang?

Wat is galgang?

De grote galbuis heet ook wel galgang en loopt van de lever naar de dunne darm. Via de grote galbuis komt de gal naar de dunne darm en helpt het bij de vertering van het eten. Een deel van de gal wordt opgeslagen in de galblaas. In al deze delen van de galwegen kan een tumor ontstaan.

Waar zit de galgang?

Bouw van de galblaas en galgangen De galblaas ligt onder en achter je lever en wordt ondersteund door de twaalfvingerige darm. De galblaas zit vast aan de onderzijde van je lever. Galvloeistof wordt in je lever aangemaakt en via de galblaasgang naar de galblaas vervoerd.

What are choledochal cysts?

What are choledochal cysts? Choledochal cysts are an inherited condition that slows the flow of bile carried from the liver to the small intestines. These cysts enlarge the ducts that transport bile between the liver, where bile is produced, and the small intestine.

Can choledochal cysts be treated with laparoscopic hepaticojejunostomy?

A recent article published in the Journal of Surgery suggested that choledochal cysts could also be treated with single-incision laparoscopic hepaticojejunostomy with comparable results and less scarring. In cases of saccular type of cyst, excision and placement of T-shaped tube is done.

What happens if choledochal cysts are left untreated?

Although choledochal cysts are present at birth, they are increasingly diagnosed in adults and now comprise 20% of all new cases. Choledochal cysts are inflammatory in nature. Left untreated, this frequently lead to recurrent cholangitis (inflammation and infection in the bile ducts) or pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas).

What causes hepaticolithiasis in choledochal cysts?

Usually hepaticolithiasis occurs in type IVA choledochal cysts. A study has shown that more than 80% of type IVA choledochal cysts are associated with a membranous or septal stenosis of the major lobar bile ducts near the confluence favoring hepaticolithiasis [ 31 ]. This is a common presentation of choledochal cysts particularly in adults.