Wat is Achloorhydrie?

Wat is Achloorhydrie?

Achloorhydrie en hypochloorhydrie verwijzen respectievelijk naar een toestand waarbij de productie van maagzuur in de maag afwezig is, dan wel verlaagd is. Deze toestanden zijn geassocieerd met vele andere medische problemen.

Is Hairy Cell leukemie erfelijk?

Dit uit zich bijvoorbeeld in bloedarmoede (leidt tot vermoeidheid), laag aantal normale witte bloedcellen (verhoogde kans op infecties) of laag aantal bloedplaatjes (verhoogde kans op bloedingen of onverklaarbare blauwe plekken). Er is niets bekend over de oorzaak van HCL. De ziekte is niet erfelijk.

What is a HCl solution?

HCL is the medical friendly, water and acid soluablle, salt version of an amine. Amines are converted to a salt form for their standardized and predictable rates of solubiliy and absorption. Think of HCL’s as though you were making a glass of koolaid. You want the koolaid to dissolve easily and quickly as well as dispersrse evenly in the water.

What does HCl stand for in drug names?

What does “HCL” stand for… What does “HCL” stand for after the drug name? For example: Methadone HCL 10 MG Tablet? It stands for Hydrochloride. Most drugs have HCL following the drug name. Hope this helps! See the following links for more info: What is hydrochloride? what is Hydrochloride then?

What is the difference between HCl and HCl?

Responses (4) HCL (acid) is the hydrochloride form but more importantly the answer you seek concerns “is the acid form best for your application” HCL is the converted form of many compounds for shelf life extension and durability. HCL’s are actually poor versions of their former self.

What does hydrochloric acid mean in medical terms?

hydrochloric acid. [hi″dro-klor´ik] HCl, a normal constituent of gastric juice in humans and other animals. The absence of free hydrochloric acid in the stomach, called achlorhydria or gastric anacidity, may be found with chronic gastritis, gastric carcinoma, pernicious anemia, pellagra, and alcoholism.