Waarom wordt het koudemiddel R134a niet meer toegestaan in nieuwe voertuigen?
Deze hoeveelheid is te vergelijken met 715 kg CO2. Het ontsnappen van deze hoeveelheid koudemiddel kunt u ook vergelijken met +/- 4.000 km rijden met uw auto. Om deze reden mag het koudemiddel R134a niet meer toegepast worden in nieuw te produceren auto’s.
Wat kost 134a?
Het oude koudemiddel R134a wordt steeds duurder en lastiger te verkrijgen, terwijl R1234yf langzaam goedkoper wordt.” Op dit moment kost R134a circa 35 euro per kilo tegenover 120 euro per kilo voor R1234yf.
Wat kost airco vullen R1234YF?
Een aircobeurt met het nieuwe koudemiddel R1234yf kost €183,-.
What is the difference between R-1234yf and R-134a?
R-134a and R-1234yf systems have unique fittings so they can only be used with the appropriate corresponding refrigerants and equipment. R-1234yf is very expensive. This has led to end-users trying to replace the refrigerant in vehicles originally containing R-1234yf with R-134a, in an attempt to save money.
Can Frigi-quiet® be used with R-1234yf and R-134a refrigerants?
However, BG Frigi-Quiet® for R-1234yf, PN 702, is suitable for use in systems that use R-1234yf and R-134a because it was formulated with extremely high quality and purity oil in order to suit the performance requirements of both refrigerants.
Is there an environmentally friendly refrigerant for R-134a?
We now have an environmentally friendly refrigerant on the market, but it’s not commonly retrofitted to R-134a systems due to the enormous associated cost. R-1234yf is almost exclusively used for all new vehicles. The contamination of air conditioning systems—by using the wrong refrigerants—can damage expensive components.
What is the R-1234yf refrigerant standard for 2021?
As of January 1, 2021, the United States Environmental Protection Agency mandated that all passenger cars and light-duty trucks coming off the assembly lines must utilize R-1234yf as their HVAC system refrigerant. The European Union forced this changeover on January 1 of the previous year.