Waardoor wordt het Great Barrier Reef bedreigd?

Waardoor wordt het Great Barrier Reef bedreigd?

De laatste keer dat Unesco het Great Barrier Reef beoordeelde, was in 2015. Sindsdien is het koraalrif sterk achteruit gegaan. Door de hoge temperatuur van het zeewater heeft Australië in 2016, 2017 en 2020 te maken gekregen met verbleking. Daardoor stierf het koraal massaal.

Welke dieren leven er in de Great Barrier Reef?

Zo zijn er 360 soorten harde koralen, 1.500 soorten vis en 5.000 soorten weekdieren te vinden. Daarnaast is het gebied de thuisbasis van meer dan 175 soorten vogels en biedt het een grote diversiteit aan sponsdieren, anemonen, zeewormen en schaaldieren.

What is the Great Barrier Reef marine park authority?

The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority is the most important integral authority in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, a huge area that spans 344,400 km2. The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority – or GBRMPA – is responsible for the protection and care of the reef.

Who is responsible for the Great Barrier Reef?

The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority – or GBRMPA – is responsible for the protection and care of the reef. They work with a wide variety of partners, supporters and advisors with the aim of conserving the reef for future generations. In April 2018 the Australian Government announced $500 million funding for the Great Barrier Reef.

How do we protect the Great Barrier Reef?

Our work to protect the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park is guided by a range of plans, regulations and legislation. We’re advised on Marine Park management issues at a local level by voluntary community-based committees. We consult the public on a range of matters, including draft policies, permit applications and proposed developments.

Is the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage in danger?

Access maps and information on moorings in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. As Australia’s lead management agency for the Great Barrier Reef, we welcome the World Heritage Committee’s decision not to place the Great Barrier Reef on the List of World Heritage in Danger. of Australians are proud of the Great Barrier Reef’s World Heritage status.