Waar is WhatsApp voor bedoeld?

Waar is WhatsApp voor bedoeld?

WhatsApp is de populaire, gratis app waarmee u berichten, bestanden, foto’s en video’s naar vrienden en familie kunt sturen.

Waarom gebruik je WhatsApp?

Je kan de app gebruiken om berichtjes te sturen, maar ook voor het verzenden van foto’s en zelfs om te videobellen is het erg handig. Hiermee vervangt WhatsApp de klassiekere manieren van communiceren: sms’en en mailen. Een voordeel hiervan is dat het versturen van WhatsApp berichten makkelijker op te volgen is.

What are some of the WhatsApp etiquette?

Here’s our list of Whatsapp etiquette to be mindful of(for both 1-to-1 chats and group conversations) 1 Read and respond lag. Whatsapp now allows users to know when someone is Online, their last seen timestamp, and the… 2 Ask before you screen grab and share. Nowadays, even Whatsapp conversations have become a thing to share on our… More

Why do some people ignore messages on WhatsApp for days?

It’s just Whatsapp etiquette. Your Whatsapp game needs to be strong if you want to ignore messages for days. Those blue ticks will get you if not. Not group chat material, lads. Friendships have died over unexplained exiting of groups. The curiosity will get the better of everyone in the group, and the noise will be listened to.

What are the best WhatsApp groups to share?

Having indicated all the etiquettes above, it’s now worth indicating that some groups are suitable for everything. You can share whatever you want, provided it’s within the limits of modesty, morality, righteousness and respect. Family WhatsApp groups, for one, is the best group where you can share multi-dimensional materials.

How to know when someone is online on WhatsApp?

Whatsapp now allows users to know when someone is Online, their last seen timestamp, and the blue ticks to indicate a message has been read. Here’s the thing though, we need to understand that people are online for various reasons and we’re constantly juggling between different conversations all at one go.