Is citronella citroen?
De geur van citronella is te omschrijven als fris, grassig met een enigszins citroen kamferachtige onder- toon. De parfum-industrie maakt praktisch alleen maar gebruik van citronella in huis-houdartikelen en schoonmaakmiddelen. Citronella wordt gekarakteriseerd als topnoot.
Waar is citronella goed voor?
Citronella essentiële olie wordt in de aromatherapie gebruikt voor het verdrijven van muggen en bij o.a. overmatige transpiratie, reumatische aandoeningen, sinusitis, vette huid, verkoudheid, griep, kleine infecties, koorts, vermoeidheid, hoofdpijn, migraine, zenuwpijn.
What are the components of citronella grass?
Unlike the more popular mosquito plant citrosa, both species of citronella grass contain all three components in the following amounts (4): 1 Cymbopogon nardus: up to 20% geraniol. 15% citronellal, and 8% citronellol. 2 Cymbopogon winterianus: up to 24% geraniol, 45% citronellal, and 15% citronellol. More
Are there two types of citronella plants?
It can be a bit confusing when you learn that there are, in fact, two plants called citronella. We tend to recognize it by its citrus-like scent, but these plants are two different species entirely. There are a few different varieties of plants known as citronella. True citronella is a grass, which can be very effective at repelling mosquitoes.
How to plant Citronella in the garden?
How to Plant Citronella. 1 1. Find the Right Spot. The best place in your garden will be somewhere that gets some afternoon shade but still receives sunlight in the morning. 2 2. Ensure Proper Plant Spacing. 3 3. Plant at the Right Time. 4 4. Use Quality Soil. 5 5. Remember to Water.
Is Citronella essential oil the same as citrosa?
Researchers found only about 10% citronellol and 35% geraniol (components of citronella essential oil). Interestingly, the essential oil components from the citronella (citrosa) mosquito plant were found to be 95% identical to commercial rose geranium (3). The three primary components of citronella oil are citronellol, citronellal, and geraniol.