Hoe schadelijk is amalgaam?

Hoe schadelijk is amalgaam?

Amalgaamvullingen bestaan voor meer dan 50% uit kwik. Dit metaal is zeer giftig voor mens en dier. Uit uitgebreide analyses is gebleken dat er kleine hoeveelheden kwik vrijkomen uit amalgaamvullingen in tanden.

Is vulling vervangen pijnlijk?

Gedurende 1 tot 2 weken na het vullen is het mogelijk dat uw tand of kies gevoelig is. Bij een groot gat kan deze periode 4 tot 6 weken duren. Boren geeft namelijk een reactie in de tandzenuw, die tijd nodig heeft om daarvan te genezen.

Is amalgam corrosion and its biocompatibility?

In the breast milk after 2 months of the amalgam fillings. Accordingly, fish consumption 22. inhibits corrosion of Cu-Sn phases. Release conventional amalgam 33. component 17. Therefore, it has been amalgam corrosion and its biocompatibility.

Is high-CU amalgam more corrosive than conventional amalgam?

Release of corrosion products from the high-Cu amalgam was more dependent on the presence of phosphate than the conventional amalgam. Five dental alloys, on exposure to blood and chocolate media with and without inoculated microorganisms, showed varying degrees of tarnish.

Do clinical operations and procedures influence the tarnishing and corrosion of amalgam?

This trend was not affected by the chemical composition of the commercial amalgams. It is concluded that clinical operations and procedures may influence tarnishing and corrosion of dental amalgam, surface plaque accumulation, and recurrence of tooth caries.

Does phosphate contribute to the corrosion products of amalgam?

The corrosion products, mainly Sn-compounds, at the surface of the amalgams were less in the solutions containing high concentrations of phosphate. In cross-section subsurface corrosion of the high-Cu amalgam was observed especially in specimens immersed in the NaCl solution without phosphate. The conventional amalgam showed surface corrosion only.