Welke planeet noemen we Terra?
In het zonnestelsel gaat het om Mercurius, Venus, Aarde en Mars; ook de dwergplaneten Pluto, Ceres en Eris, de Maan en de andere manen worden hier soms onder gerekend. De term terrestrische planeet komt van het Latijnse woord voor aarde: ’terra’.
Wat betekent terraforming?
Terravorming (ook wel terraforming of terraformatie genoemd: aarde maken) is het proces waarbij de atmosfeer en het klimaat van een andere planeet of hemellichaam bewust worden veranderd zodat deze voor mensen bewoonbaar wordt.
What happens if we terraform Venus?
The terraforming of Venus is the hypothetical process of engineering the global environment of the planet Venus in such a way as to make it suitable for human habitation. Terraforming Venus was first proposed in a scholarly context by the astronomer Carl Sagan in 1961, although fictional treatments, such as The Big Rain of The Psychotechnic League by novelist Poul Anderson, preceded it.
Why is Mars more popular than Venus for terraforming?
Venus would require so much more movement of materials whereas Mars would be pretty self-sustaining in terms of stability once the magnetic dipole and mirrors were in place. This means that Venus would most likely be the harder planet to terraformed given the immense amounts of matter that need to be moved.
Should we terraform Venus first?
We should begin trying to terraform some inhospitable places in Earth, make them habitable zones. It is much cheaper and efficient than trying this kind of stuff in Venus or Mars. The first logical option are our deserts and Antarctica. Then, we should try the Moon, and then Mars or Venus in that order in my opinion. Good point.
Would it be easier to terraform Mars or Venus?
Venus is the easier to terraform. The ultimate objective of terraforming is to be able nto walk on the surface without artificial aids. Mars is a dead planet with the atmosphere stripped off. Venus has an atmosphere and is in fact a twin of Earth. Mars is the easy short-term option and for the timid to terraform.