Welk land heeft een goede economie?

Welk land heeft een goede economie?

Succesvolste van de 140 gemeten economieën is die van de Verenigde Staten. Nummer twee is Singapore, daarna komen Duitsland en – de nummer 1 van vorig jaar – Zwitserland. Japan maakt de top vijf vol en dan komt Nederland. Vorig jaar eindigde Nederland nog als vierde, na Zwitserland, Singapore en de VS.

Welk land heeft het meeste welvaart?

Wereldwijd toename van financiële activa met meer dan 7% Het rijkste land ter wereld is de Verenigde Staten. Zwitserland is de runner-up en Japan staat op een derde plek.

What is the difference between Australia and Canada economy?

Australia vs Canada: Economic Indicators Comparison Canada with a GDP of $1.7T ranked the 10th largest economy in the world, while Australia ranked 13th with $1.4T. By GDP 5-years average growth and GDP per capita, Canada and Australia ranked 133rd vs 111th and 21st vs 13th, respectively.

What is the difference between the production sectors of Canada and Australia?

The production sectors are of similar size in the two countries. However Canada has more manufacturing than Australia. Canada has less mining than Australia. In mining, there are significant differences between the countries in terms of resources.

What is the difference between mining in Canada and Australia?

Canada has less mining than Australia. In mining, there are significant differences between the countries in terms of resources. In 2008, exports of goods and services accounted for one third of the GDP in Canada compared to about one quarter in Australia.

Why is commodity exports is important to Australia than Canada?

Commodity exports is important to Australia than Canada since machinery, automobiles and other equipments form a sizable portion of exports for Canada. The great white north exports more crude oil, natural gas and forestry products than Australia. Coal, iron ore, nickel, copper, precious metals form the major commodities of Australia.