Wat kost een cobra schilderij?

Wat kost een cobra schilderij?

De prijzen variëren tussen € 500,- en € 5.000,- Afhankelijk van de afmetingen en de uitvoering, exclusief transport kosten en een minimale afname van € 1.000,-.

Hoe is Cobra ontstaan?

De Cobra-groep was van 1948 tot 1951 een avant-gardebeweging van kunstenaars uit Denemarken, België en Nederland. De beweging werd op 8 november 1948 opgericht in het Café Notre-Dame in Parijs. De naam CoBrA is een acroniem van de hoofdsteden waar de oprichtende leden vandaan komen: Copenhague, Brussel en Amsterdam.

Waar werd Cobra opgericht?

Op 8 november 1948 is de Cobra-beweging in Parijs opgericht. Kunstenaars en dichters uit diverse Europese landen waren lid. De vreugde van totale geestelijke en artistieke vrijheid en spontaniteit moest een tegenwicht bieden aan de nachtmerrie van de oorlog. Cobra zorgde in Nederland voor grote ophef.

What is Cobra and how does it work?

The basic idea behind COBRA is to allow workers and their dependents to maintain their health coverage even after an event such as job loss, divorce, or death. COBRA applies to most employers with 20 or more employees, with a few notable exceptions such as health plans sponsored by the federal government, and church-based employers.

What does Cobra stand for in health insurance?

All About COBRA Health Insurance. The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) is a health insurance program that allows an eligible employee and his or her dependents the continued benefits of health insurance coverage in the case that employee loses his or her job or experiences a reduction of work hours.

What are the alternatives to Cobra?

Buying an individual health plan is an alternative to COBRA. An individual plan is one you buy from a broker or insurance carrier or through a state or federal Health Insurance Marketplace. Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), loss of a job and related health coverage qualifies you for special enrollment.

What does it mean to be on Cobra for a limited time?

coverage for a limited time after your employment ends or you lose coverage as a dependent of the covered employee. In general, COBRA only applies to employers with 20 or more employees. However, some states require insurers covering employers with fewer than 20 employees to let you keep your coverage for a limited time.