Wat is een CDM?
De afkorting CDM staat voor Clean Development Mechanism. Het betreft een regeling onder het Kyoto-protocol die landen met een verplichting tot CO2-reductie in staat stelt deze uit te besteden aan ontwikkelingslanden, door daar te investeren in reductieprojecten.
Wat is common data model?
Het Common Data Model bevat een set gestandaardiseerde en uit te breiden dataschema’s. Deze verzameling van vooraf gedefinieerde schema’s bevat entiteiten, attributen, semantische betekenis en relaties.
What is a common data model (CDM)?
Now let’s see what a Common Data Model is. The Common Data Model (CDM) is the shared data model you have seen in the previous diagram. It is a place to keep all common data to be shared between applications and data sources. It ensures the application integrity and consistency.
What does CDM stand for?
What is the OMOP Common Data Model (CDM)? The OMOP Common Data Model allows for the systematic analysis of disparate observational databases. The concept behind this approach is to transform data contained within those databases into a common format (data model) as well as a common representation (terminologies, vocabularies, coding schemes),
What is a data translation model (CDM)?
When the second system receives data from the first system, it translates that canonical format into its own data format. By implementing this kind of data model, data is translated and “untranslated” by every system that an organization includes in its CDM. A CDM approach can and should include any technology the enterprise uses, including:
What is canonical data model (CDM)?
More and more, companies need to share data across all these systems. The problem is how difficult sharing data is when each system has different languages, requirements, and protocols. One solution is the canonical data model (CDM), effectively implementing middleware to translate and manage the data.